Wednesday, May 17, 2017

PIP installation process & usefulness to Python

PIP is software installer. Follow the below mentioned procedure:

1. setup proxy

copy the proxy from internet explorer

set http_proxy=http://your_proxy:your_port
set http_proxy=http://username:password@your_proxy:your_port

set https_proxy=https://your_proxy:your_port
set https_proxy=https://username:password@your_proxy:your_port

once thi is done, you are done with setup to install softwares from internet via PIP

2. Install PIP..

3. After this start installing using PIP
$pip install numpy
$pip install scipy

you can also install from the wheel file downloaded
$pip install setuptools-23.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl


Why PIP is useful?
--> Because it downloads all the required dependancy for installing any particular piece of library

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

OPAMP circuit design: Effect of Feedback and inverting Resistor and Capacitors

Feedback resistor and capacitors: (Rf and Cf parallel)
They act upon the high frequency range limiting of the circuit. f2
Basically they form the LPF

Inverting Resistor and capacitors: (R1 and C1 series)
They form the HPF, with cut-off frequency f1

f1 < f2

Series C1 capacitor can be used to amplify only the AC signal at non-inverting terminal and avoid amplification of DC level.

A coupling capacitor Cc is also used at the output of opamp before connecting to next stage so that only the high frequency AC signal is coupled. This is useful to cut down the DC offset to be amplified from one stage to next stage.

And gain of the amplifier is decided by Rf and R1 = 1 + Rf/R1
As gain decreases, the bandwidth increases from both sides

If the C1 is not used, all DC signal is also amplified. So adding the capacitor series to R1 helps.
If needed add the DC level using voltage divider.


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Design Engineer ( IFM Engineering Private Limited )
