RTOS concepts
Classification of RTOS
- hard real time
- firm real time
- soft real time
RTOS Architecture
RTOS concepts
Classification of RTOS
- hard real time
- firm real time
- soft real time
RTOS Architecture
- Kernel
- what does it do?
- process - ready, running, blocked, suspended (Scheduler)
- process priority
- process communication
- memory management
- provide interfaces for UserSpace applications
- interrupt and event handling
- device io and device driver
- file system
- kernel Types
- monolithic (Most OS like Ubuntu kernel)
- microkernel (Most RTOS like QNX)
- exokernel
- Scheduler
- First in first out
- Earliest deadline first
- Pre-emptive (Fixed priority)
- Round robin
- Task
- states - Ready, running, Blocked, Suspended
- Task control block (ID, Priority, Status, register, PC, SP)
- priority of task
- task implementation - creation, deletion, suspend, resume
- idle task
- Co-routines
- states - ready, Running, Blocked
- Task synchronization
- Binary semaphore
- Counting semaphore
- Mutex (Mutually Exclusion Semaphores)
- Priority Inversion problem
- Solution -
- Priority Inheritance
- Priority ceiling
- Recursive mutex
- Task notifications
- Intertestk communication
- Messgae queues (structured data exchnage )
- Mailbox - messgae queue with length 1
- Pipes (unstructured data exchange - byte stream)
- Remote procedure calls (RPC) - one task initiating another task on remote computer. XMLRPC is a kind of RPC as used in project
- Memory Management
- Stack management
- Heap management
- Timer Management
- Ticks counting used for task delay
- Task alert
- Interrupt and Event Handling
- defining Interrupt handler
- creation and deletion of ISR
- Enabling and disabling ISR
- changing and referencing of interrupt mask
- Device I/O Management
- Provide APIs of using device drivers
- Selection of RTOS
- Technical consideration
- Scalability
- Portability
- Run-time facilities
- Development tools
- Commercial Considerations
- Costs
- License
- Supplier stability/ longevity
- Usually there are no thread concepts in RTOS. Task are the only things.